

Rebekah Brems believes in the power of real food to cultivate health and vitality. She believes in the power of movement to encourage healing in the body. And she believes we all deserve to feel whole in our bodies. She also knows that sometimes we need a little help getting there.

That’s where Rebekah comes in! No two bodies are the same—and paths to wellness shouldn’t be, either. Rebekah’s advanced training in Nutritional Therapy and Ayurveda allow her to design custom wellness plans that address each individual’s unique bio needs. Shaped by the natural healing practices of her own mother growing up, Rebekah has an innate ability to connect with others and understand when and how to help them take care of themselves. Rebekah will listen to the intentions you have for your own body and support you in actualizing them. Even more importantly, she will aid you in developing lasting habits to sustain them. Through personalized nutritional therapy, Ayurveda lessons, and a whole lot of compassion, Rebekah works together with her clients to establish a lifelong path toward wellness.

Rebekah Brems is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), an E-RYT 500 Yoga Therapy Practitioner, Blood Chemistry Specialist and Supplement Specialist based in Southern Utah. More importantly, she is a human that is ever growing and ever changing. Through her own journey, Rebekah has developed a passion and a skillset for helping others (and herself) tap into the human body’s exceptional potential for healing and growth. She would love to help you, too!


Rebekah is tough as nails. This might have a little something to do with the fact that she was the only girl growing up in a family with four brothers. Rebekah’s childhood home was rowdy, loud, and crowded. There was no shortage of teasing and tumbling. It was chaos. It was battle. It was fun. From the start, Rebekah held her own as a fiery female. 

When Rebekah first started getting periods in that small, boy-filled house, she would lock herself away in the house's single bathroom for hours, wishing that her debilitating cramps weren’t a part of being female. She missed entire days of school due to the pain, once even begging her mom to take her to the emergency room. This cannot be normal, she thought.

The only thing that made any difference was taking Ibuprofen. And lots of it. Once the cramps from one cycle abated, she would end up with horrible stomach issues from the havoc the painkillers wreaked on her digestive tract. By the time her stomach would recover, she would get her period again and the vicious cycle would start all over. Exhausted and gaining no improvements, Rebekah finally decided to go on birth control in her late 20’s. And what a relief it was! 

However, after five years of birth control, she realized she was only masking the problem and incurring massive nutrient deficiencies in the process. When she went to the doctor to try and find alternative solutions, Rebekah was told she likely had endometriosis, possibly PCOS. She was told she was infertile—that if she ever wanted to have kids, she’d have to load up on fertility drugs. She was told that birth control was her best option for abating her debilitating cramps. 

After this, Rebekah decided it was time to get to the root of the problem herself. It was time to learn everything she could about her body.

She dove deep into yoga practice. In 2010, she earned her 200-hour certificate in Washington and, three years after that, her 300-hour certificate in Sedona, Arizona. Rebekah jumped into learning Ayurveda. Translated directly from Sanskrit, ayur means “life,” and veda means “wisdom” or “knowledge.” Ayurveda is a traditional Hindu system of medicine that balances all body systems. Her experience with Ayurveda nourished her body and initiated deep healing. 

Her training gave her the courage to go off birth control. Four weeks later, she was pregnant! After being told she might not ever be able to bring life into the world, Rebekah was going to do just that. 

Everything was going smoothly in the pregnancy—no morning sickness, minimal fatigue. The strength she felt early in pregnancy made her excited for what her future held as a mother—that was until shortly before delivery. What started as a smooth pregnancy turned into Rebekah’s greatest bodily challenge yet.

A month before her delivery, Rebekah’s edema was so bad she could barely walk. She gained 70 pounds. The doctors told her she had preeclampsia. Her induced labor was long and severe. It left her body weak and damaged, but the healthy baby girl in her arms made her heart strong.  

Rebekah’s postpartum wasn’t easy either. She was exhausted, she couldn’t drop weight, and her skin broke out constantly. Breastfeeding wasn’t going well. She felt betrayed by her body. Being a mother was amazing and challenging. 

As a new mother, eager to raise a strong daughter and heal her own body, Rebekah began extending her knowledge of healing through nutritional therapy research. In 2018, she enrolled in NTA, and a year later, she became a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. 

Through patience, food, supplements, yoga, and (most importantly) seeking the help of her community, Rebekah experienced renewal. Her energy is back, her weight is dropping, and her skin is clearing. 

Rebekah takes every opportunity to instill the wisdom of her own health experiences in her daughter. She established healthy eating habits with her daughter and a deep connection between body and mind from the very start. She exclusively breast pumped, nourishing her baby with her body’s perfect formula of healthy fats for brain and nervous system growth. When her daughter started eating real food, Rebekah worked hard to avoid introducing her daughter to the “sweet” taste so that her daughter could develop an appreciation for a variety of flavors, not just sugar! Perhaps because of this, her daughter (now in 4th grader) proudly downs fresh veggies like micro greens, broccoli, cucumbers, cauliflower and spinach. Her daughter enjoys trying a variety of different foods but still likes treats as much as any kid.

On her path to a healthy body and mind for herself and for her daughter, Rebekah has gained immense insight into the relationship between movement, food, and sustainable health. Rebekah receives great joy in passing on the wisdom of her personal experiences and the knowledge from her countless hours of training to help other women, girls and families live their healthiest lives, too. 

Over time, Rebekah has learned that truly being “tough as nails” means being able to embrace vulnerability just as much as it means being able to throw a good upper hook. As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, a yoga instructor, a woman, and a mother, Rebekah continues to open her heart to learn new things every day. She hopes to always remain humbled by the painful, wonderful, enlightening experiences gifted to her by this life.   


Lets began your path to wellbeing!